Sunday, December 8, 2013

Project summary work

Group must write a 3-4 page project summary to accompany presentation of the design

McKenzie - Summary
- synopsis of design itself
- motivation 
- design's effectiveness
- target audience
- enough background info for report to stand alone
- also help write Discussion section

Schayne - Introduction
(Make sure to really elaborate on this section, refer to figures included in the text as needed) 
- design problem 
- objectives of design
- assumptions for design
- design alternatives
- selection of design being used

Alex - Discussion
(All of these can be split into sub sections, figures helpful too)
- present design as a whole
- theory behind design
- problems encountered (or anticipated)
- how to overcome problems
- results of test on design

Mike - Conclusion
- summarize design and testing work
- assess how design meets objectives from intro (if not, analyze why and how to fix)
- give future perspective of project

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